The Kennel Club Breed Health and Conservation Plan

The Kennel Club launched a new resource for breed clubs and individual
breeders – the Breed Health and Conservation Plans (BHCP) project – to ensure that all health concerns for a breed are identified through evidence-based criteria, and that breeders are provided with useful information and resources to raise awareness of current health and welfare concerns in their breed, and support them in making balanced breeding decisions. 

The Breed Health and Conservation Plans take a complete view of breed health with consideration to the following issues:

  • known inherited conditions, 
  • complex conditions (i.e. those involving many genes and environmental effects such as nutrition or exercise levels, for example hip dysplasia),
  • conformational concerns and population genetics.

Sources of evidence and data have been collated into an evidence base
which gives clear indications of the most significant health conditions in each breed, in terms of prevalence and impact. Once the evidence base document has been produced it is discussed with the relevant Breed Health Co-ordinator and breed health representatives where applicable.

Priorities are agreed based on this data and incorporated into a list of actions between the Kennel Club and the breed to tackle these health concerns. These actions are then monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.


The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club Code of Ethics

The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club

Code of Ethics

Members should note that breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from Club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Club, and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.


  • Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
  • Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
  • Will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes. 
  • Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act. 
  • Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally. 
  • Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed. 
  • Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties. 
  • Will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home. This code does not apply when BDB members are working, training or exercising their dogs, or participating in gun dog events, as permitted by The Control of Dogs Order  1992. 
  • Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited. 
  • Will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change. 
  • Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home. 
  • Will ensure that all relevant documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available. 
  • Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. 
  • Will not sell, by sale or auction, official registration certificates as standalone items (not accompanying a dog). 
  • Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog. 
  • Members will only breed from Braque Du Bourbonnais of sound temperament, which show natural ability and will always strive to produce Braque Du Bourbonnais conforming to the standard as published by the FCI. 
  • Members will not allow their stud dogs to service bitches of less than two years, or over the age of eight. Neither dogs nor bitches in poor health, of unsound temperament or with any serious hereditary faults will be used for breeding. 
  • Stud dog owners will use discretion in the number of times their dog is used in the course of each year. 
  • Members will not allow their bitches to whelp more than once in every twelve months or be mated before two years of age or after the age of eight. 
  • The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club state that a bitch will not have more than five litters during her lifetime. The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club recommends that a maximum of three litters of The Braque Du Bourbonnais are bred from any one bitch. 
  • Members will not, when advertising, misrepresent themselves or their stock and will deal only in a fair and honest manner with clients who shall be encouraged to present the dog to a veterinary surgeon within three days of purchase. Should a veterinary surgeon, at such an examination, advise that the dog is not suitable for the purpose for which it was bought, members will verify this opinion and, if necessary, take back such a dog and refund the purchase price. 
  • Members will be encouraged to take advantage of any relevant official scheme devised to test the dog!s soundness i.e hip scoring in accordance with the available schemes run by the FCI, Kennel Club and BVA. 
  • Members will, when engaged in competitive events with their dogs, conduct themselves in such a way as not to bring discredit to the breed or Club, and will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.

Last updated February 2023

Club Rules and Regulations

The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club Constitution and Rules Name and Objects

 1. The club shall be called “The British Braque du Bourbonnais Club ”, herein referred to as “The Club”. 
2. The object shall be to promote and improve the breed. The Club shall not join any Federation of Societies or Clubs. Members 
3. There shall be an unlimited number of members, Associate members and Honorary Life members. Officers and Committee 
4. The Club shall consist of a President, three Executive Officers: Chairman, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer, plus a Committee of not more than nine, and an unlimited number of Members. The Chairman has the right to cast a deciding vote in the event of a tie when a vote is taken at any meeting of the Club. 
5. The role of the President shall be to lead and advise in all matters pertaining to the Society, the Management Committee having the power to invite a suitable candidate to serve as President for a period of up to five years. The President may be called upon to act as arbiter in matters of concern to the Society, should the need arise. 
6. The Club may have Honorary Vice Presidents who are Officers remaining for a period of three years 
7. The Club shall have the following Executive Officers: Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Membership Secretary remaining in office for three years but are eligible for re-election, each may be changed by a two thirds majority vote of those present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting 
8. No future Member shall be considered for membership of the Committee, or as an Officer, if he/she holds such a position with any other Braque Du Bourbonnais Breed Club or Association or has held such a position within a period of three years of the AGM date. No person, whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of the Club. Committee. 
9. The Management of the Club shall be in the hands of the Officers (Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer) and a Committee not exceeding nine. The Officers shall also be full voting members of the Committee. The Officers shall conduct the routine business of the Society, excluding policy decisions, which shall be the prerogative of the Management Committee 
10. Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as necessary; a quorum is met for the transaction of business when the attendees number 6 with at least one Officer Present. At such meetings if a vote is taken and there is a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. 
11. “Co-option.” The Management Committee can vote to invite a suitable person to be co-opted to fulfill any role within The British Braque du Bourbonnais Club. Co-opted members will be able to be fully involved in the activities of the Club. Meetings 
12. The financial year of the Club shall be from 1 January to 31 December. The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the last day of April for the following purposes: to receive the report of the Committee and Balance Sheet. To elect Officers and Committee and to discuss any resolution duly placed by two paid up members on the agenda, of which 28 days prior notice has been given to the Honorary Secretary. No business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting, unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda. 
13. A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Honorary Secretary if 30 members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed; no business other than the matter on the agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting. All members shall be notified of any special general meeting. 
14. Notice of Meetings - not less than 42 days’ notice of an Annual General Meeting, or 28 days for a Special General Meeting shall be given to members. The Agenda of any such meeting shall be available to all members not less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice must contain all the relevant information concerning the meeting and business to be conducted. No business other than that named in the Notice shall be brought before a Special General Meeting. 
15. Definition of Meetings, - Where there is no fixed location for all participants and a meeting is held where the Management of the Club are connected by video conferencing whatever the technology used. This will be defined as a “VIRTUAL MEETING.” 
16. The Officers, the Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, may make decisions outside of the Committee Meetings on routine and operational issues that cannot prudently be deferred to a full meeting. Any decision that changes the Policy or Strategy of the Club can only be decided by the full Management Team and is outside the discretion given to routine issues. Any issue which cannot be unanimously resolved should where practicable be deferred to the next Meeting of the Management Team. Election of Members. 
17. Candidates for Membership of the Club shall be elected by or balloted for, by the Committee at one of their Meetings, candidates must achieve a 2/3 thirds majority. 
18. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by and all its powers shall be delegated to a Management Committee consisting of not more than twelve members who shall be elected by postal ballot prior to the Annual General Meeting. The members of the Committee shall hold office for one year, but shall be elected individually. Subscription. 
19. The Annual Subscription shall be reviewed and amended by the Committee as deemed necessary. All subscriptions are payable to the The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club on the 2nd April in each year. No member whose subscription is unpaid at the current rate shall be entitled to any of the privileges of membership, and if any member shall fail to pay the current annual subscription prior to May 1st, the Committee shall have the power to erase the name from the list of members, but the member may, at the discretion of the Committee, be re-admitted to Membership. Club Property. 
20. The Property of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, and in the event of the Society is wound up or in the future ceases to be a registered Society under Kennel Club Regulations a General Meeting will be called to decide upon the disposal of the Assets. Any person making a donation to The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club, whether it is cash, a Challenge Cup or Trophy or any other type of asset does so in the acknowledgement that the gift is made outright to the Club, and not to any named individual. Expulsion of Members 
21. If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club, be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the Club may at a meeting, the notice of convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the member, determine that a "Special General Meeting” of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint, and advising him/her of the place, date and hour of the meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at that meeting a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, his/her name shall be forthwith erased from the list of members, and he/she shall thereupon for all purposes cease to be a member of the Club. 

Last Updated: 21st February 2023