The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club
Welcome to The British Braque Du Bourbonnais (BDB) Club website.
The British Braque Du Bourbonnais Club is here for enthusiasts of this stunning breed. Our aims are to provide a forum for collaboration and to help to move the breed forward here in the UK in an ethical way. We shall strive to protect the breed of which we have been entrusted with from our mentors who have worked for many years to achieve the Braque Du Bourbonnais we know today.
The Braque Du Bourbonnais, although a hunt, point and retrieve (HPR) breed, is extremely versatile and is used all over the world for many activities and pursuits. As well as gundog work, they are used across the continents for scenting illness in cancer patients, truffling which they have been extremely successful at, agility, hoopers, mantrailing, pat dogs, showing and of course the family companion.
They are a breed not to be underestimated.
We are privileged as a club to have on board the sound guidance and knowledge of Marc Sudret, Michael Comte and Irma Sirmeniene: with this back up and grounding we are sure to be kept on track in protecting the future of the breed here in the UK.
We as a club will offer help and advice on all aspects related to the BDB and as we have access to our mentors, if we don’t know any answers they will always be willing to help us in any capacity.
It is vital we strive to keep on track the good health of the genetic lines we have here and expand the gene in order to help us keep those clean lines. Health checks are imperative to the breed and also being homed to the correct type of people that will offer versatility as they have far more to offer us and are a willing breed to learn.
We will be holding get-together days that will offer various aspects of training on each day. You can come along and join us and be involved in the programmes available on the day.
We have been fortunate to secure the services of Anna Pleban of Follow Dogs. Anna is the only UK trainer to achieve Jeff Schettler’s GAK9 training qualifications and is an operational member of Search and Rescue organisations SARA and Servon. She is currently the mantrailing instructor of one of our BDB’s and she is keen to hold a breed specific workshop. Ever wanted to get in the mind of your dog? Then Anna is the one to teach you what our dog’s noses are telling them.